83 Throckmorton Lane
Old Bridge NJ 08857
Parish Office (732) 679-5666
Every facet of the church’s life has its birth in the Eucharist. Children who are brought to eat and drink at the Eucharistic table continue the process of initiation that began at Baptism. In the Eucharistic celebration, they encounter Christ, and through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, they learn they can turn to Christ for forgiveness of sins. In preparation for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation (Penance) and First Holy Communion, a candidate must have attained the use of reason and be of catechetical age (normally seven years of age) and must meet the following requirements:
If your child does not attend St. Ambrose Elementary School, wherein instruction and preparation is a part of their curriculum, our www.saintambroseparish.com is available to guide you and prepare your children to receive Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please contact the Religious Education Office for information.