83 Throckmorton Lane
Old Bridge NJ 08857
Parish Office (732) 679-5666
The role of the “godparent for baptism” originated in the early Church. Until the year 313, the Church was under the persecution of the Roman Empire and had to be cautious in conducting its affairs so as to prevent pagan infiltration and persecution. Also, until the Middle Ages, the Sacraments of Initiation (baptism, holy Eucharist, and confirmation) were administered at once. The role of the godparent/sponsor, then, was to attest to the integrity of the person seeking admission into the Church, as well as to assist during the preparation for these sacraments and living a Christian life. For infants, these sponsors would also make the Profession of Faith in the child’s name and accepted the responsibility of instructing the child in the faith, especially if the parents failed in this duty. About the year 800, when infant baptism was truly the norm, these sponsors were called “patrinus”, or “godfather”. Traditionally, we identify the sponsor of a child for baptism as godparent – godmother or godfather, but the technical term remains “sponsor”, and the inherent responsibility continues for that designated person to lead a good Christian life, in line with the teachings of the Church.