83 Throckmorton Lane
Old Bridge NJ 08857
Parish Office (732) 679-5666
We, the faithful members of the Roman Catholic church of St. Ambrose in Old Bridge, New Jersey, in communion with our Holy Father Pope Francis, shepherd of the universal Church, proclaim to everyone the Good News that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world, who offers to all who follow him, the light of life. We know our mission to be one of faith, truth, and life, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and celebrated in sacrament and deed. We are called through Baptism, to gratefully live the life God has given us, and to be witnesses through Word, Sacrament, and service.
Home Study Classes will use Catholic Brain:
After a successful pilot over the Summer, we have implemented Catholic Brain Online Resources. Please contact us at 732-679-5580 or send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. You will need to register your child to take the sessions. You must register in order to participate in the Home Study program.
Home Study Instructions for taking Google Drive assessment for Catholic Brain:
If you are assigned to take an assessment in Catholic Brain using Google Drive, download the quiz to your computer, enter the correct answers and save the file to your computer and add your (student) name to the file name. Then email the file to Deacon Harry De Freitas at: [email protected].Meeting ID: 884 5148 4325
Passcode: 571709
If you would like to download a copy of the PowerPoint prayers in the Google Drive Share, go to the link here: Google Drive Share. The link is available on the day of the Rosary after 3PM.
Look for the file 0002 Rosary Prayers for Priests 2025 - Sorrowful Rev 13 Slides